Did you hear the big Batman/Superman movie news that broke over the weekend? If not, it was officially announced at San Diego Comic Con that the pair will both appear in the Man of Steel sequel, but you can forget about seeing Henry Cavill and Christian Bale on screen together.

Director Zack Snyder confirmed that while Cavill, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane will be among the cast, Bale will not be returning as Batman. They’ll be casting a brand new caped crusader, who’ll move the character away from Christopher Nolan’s vision of Gotham.”The Dark Knight films do not exist in the same universe…” said screenwriter David S Goyer. “The fact that we have Wayne Industries on the satellite, Bruce Wayne exists in this universe”, he told MTV.

As for the plot? Well, we’re not 100 per cent sure about that yet, but Goyer has been quoted as saying it could feature a bit of a battle between the pair. “We don’t know what we’re going to call it yet – Superman vs Batman, Batman vs Superman – but those two guys on screen, that’s happening,” Newsarama claims he said. And in fairness, they did read a pretty key line from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns (which sees the pair face off).

I want you to remember, Clark. In all the years to come. In all your most private moments. I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you – That’s Batman speaking to Superman lads, but as we said before, it hasn’t been confirmed that the film will follow the comic book’s plot. Still, we’re rather excited.

The film won’t hit cinema screens until 2015, so we do have time to adjust to the idea of someone else as Batman, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy to erase Christian Bale from the old memory. That said, George Clooney will always be my caped crusader, wha?